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Forever Valentine

_______________________ ‘Hang on, Sanchi’ their hands were clasped tightly. His acrophobia didn’t let him open his eyes, but the fear...

Thursday, April 19, 2018



‘Tell me Shomesh, what’s the hullabaloo over cow and it's beef? Why it is haraam in you guys?’ She asked while watching the news, ‘Is this vigilantism & killing justified in the name of cow?’

‘It’s all about common sense Sanam, which seems to be absent in the era of “knowledge everywhere”. The sanatan scriptures revere Cow as mother. Obviously it’s figurative, but has some meaning to it.’

‘Then enlighten me, husband; I am all ears.’ She got up and sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around him.

‘A cow is benign in more than one way to mankind. She produces five products: milk, urine, dung, butter & ghee and every product benefits us & the environment in many ways.’

‘Oh please, that is so gross.’ Sanam distanced herself to the other end of the sofa, expressing disgust.

Shomesh smiled, ‘You know why cow dung is coated in outer walls, cause it shields from radiation. Atomic power centers in India and Russia use cow dung. In fact, when we burn cow dung, it balances atmospheric temperature and kills germs in the air.’

‘No kidding!’

‘Yes honey! And the cow-urine that disgusted you can cure many diseases, curable & incurable. Cow’s milk develops brain tissues, improves intelligence.’

‘Is that the reason why you people use mainly cow’s milk and its products to prepare the sweets and other dishes in religious ceremonies.’

‘Yeah dear, now tell me if in this rate the slaughter will continue, won’t milk and related products’ price inflate. I mean what will happen if beef goes off the menu; won’t affect a heck! But the rising prices will certainly devoid the poor from nutrition.’

‘You’re saying as if the country will run out of Cows?’

‘You’re missing the point, "Rising prices". And not every breed of cow has that effect. You know Desi Cow is the only being that has a Surya Ketu Nadi, passing through her backbone. It is believed that this vein absorbs the medicinal essence from the sun. This and many other reasons, why we treat her Holy. Also, you must know, thousands of cows are smuggled every day, in the most inhumane way possible, and the most literate state is too involved; ain't that hypocrisy. The treatment that those innocent animals receive will ruin the mascara of your eyes, so let’s not discuss that. The act of vigilantism cannot be justified by any way, that’s the act of pseudos. But why there’s no uproar over treatment of cows.’

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