‘This is nonsense! It’s been three hours; I am freezing and there’s no respite. I have to stand here like a beggar, for my own MONEY.’ He burst.
‘Cool down Sir! This is for our nation’s well being only. We must learn from our army; they guard our frontiers in such severe conditions, away from their family. And here we complain, not ready to adjust for a couple of months even.’ Sukhmani tried to calm him.
‘FYI! I am an ex-army man.’ He sneered at him.
Sukhmani was immersed in contemplation. A minute later, he walked to the guard. They exchanged a few words and the latter went inside, coming back with the branch manager.
‘Sir! It’s an honor, to be at your service. We commoners can’t repay what you and your fellow men have done for us. But within my authority; you don’t need to stand in a queue anymore. Nor does the senior citizens, or the divyanngs or any special case. Our branch will cater to them separately, for their convenience.’
He was overwhelmed; looked at Sukhmani, this time in admiration.
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‘It’s completely okay Sir! You have fought with the outer demons for years. Join us in the fight with the inner ones this time.’ Sukhmani’s hand waved for a salute, in pride.
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