‘Mr. Home Minister Sir! Let me acquaint you of the consequences. No matter whatever action we take, these nuisance creators; the leftists, a certain section of media, the separatists; these traitors will add fuel to the fire.’
‘What do you suggest then, general?’
‘With all due respect Sir, If I may, I have a suggestion.’ He interrupted.
‘’We are here for that only, soldier. Of course you can. What’s on your mind?’
He took out a cartridge from his pocket and placed it on the table.
‘What’s this?’
He got up and walked towards a dummy placed at the other corner of the room. A gun was kept near it, he picked it up; took out a similar cartridge from his pocket, loaded it in the gun and aimed towards the dummy.
Before anyone could utter a word, he pulled the trigger. Not a bullet, but it shot a dark colored ink, imbuing the dummy.
He turned, ‘Sir! This specialized ink will do zero percent damage to their bodies, but will leave an enduring stain on the exposed parts; for months, if not forever. The ink also discharges gaseous effect, causing nausea, temporary.
We can take advantage of it, with the help of a parallel unit; we can track the conspirators behind and unmask them, to end this mania, sooner.’
Minister got up, moved towards him. He read his badge, ‘Mr. Raghav! just like the name eh! Let’s nail the Raavarns, our soldiers have suffered enough.
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{Image: wonderful engineering} |
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